Can You Use 12 Volt Batteries Instead Of 6 Volt Batteries In Golf Carts? (Find Out Today!)

Yes, this is something you can do but keep in mind that you’ll need to use deep cycle batteries and not your vehicle’s standard 12-volt batteries. The automotive-type battery is designed to handle bursts of high power and intended for starting a car engine quickly – not necessarily as a long term power source.

Golf cart batteries are a lot like the tires on a car. They are often the most expensive item in their respective category. And they need to be periodically replaced, otherwise you would be stuck without a working cart. Golf cart owners often try to “cut corners” or find inexpensive alternatives when it comes to replacing golf cart batteries, but that can really blow up in their faces (literally) and end up costing a lot more than initially anticipated because not only do you have to replace them early, but you’ll also have to pay for the damage caused by waiting too long to do so as well!

Besides, you need to make sure that your cart’s charge voltage matches the voltage of your new product. This will help with ensuring you won’t overload your device and potentially cause damage. You should always read the product manual for any electronic devices before use and confirm whether or not there are any compatibility issues with the new version. As long as your device is compatible, you should ideally never need a battery charger unless you want a replacement or are trying to fix something on your current one that went wrong. In this article, you’ll get to know if you can use 12 volts batter is instead of 6 volts in your golf carts. 

What Are The Differences Between 12-Volt And 6-Volt Batteries?

Other than being a type of rechargeable battery that use liquid electrolytes, 6-volt batteries have an advantage thanks to their ability to be connected in parallel. Six-volt batteries are perfect for people who live in colder climates because of their longer lifespans and because they perform better in cold weather. They weigh about a pound more than their 12-volt counterparts, but the extra weight doesn’t really make much of a difference when it comes to using them. And on top of that, the extra weight can actually work as an added safety feature. There are four battery types available for golf carts:

  • Flooded Lead Acid Batteries (filled with water)
  • AGM Lead Acid Batteries.
  • Gel-Cell Batteries.
  • Lithium-Ion Batteries

What Are The Pros And Cons Of 6-Volt Batteries Compared To 12-Volt Batteries?

Pros of A 6-volt Lead-Acid Battery

  • They can last longer than 12-volt batteries: Like we said earlier, a well-maintained 6-volt battery will last anywhere from 4 to 8 years instead of the regular 12-volt which will only last 3 to 7 years.
  • They have a bigger Amp Hour Rating: An amp hour refers to the amount of current a battery can supply over a fixed period of time. For example, that is how long you would be able to run your electric cart off a 12 volt battery. A 6 volt battery will provide twice as much power and get you farther, and last longer than a 12-volt battery!
  • They have a larger discharge and recharge capacity: 6 volt rechargeable batteries can be charged and discharged more often than 12-volt ones thanks to their larger lead plates.
  • The bigger the Amp-Hour on a 12-volt, the larger it gets: When choosing a different Amp-hour rating for the 12-volt battery to compensate for the difference with your current 6-volt battery, be sure to take into account if it will fit in your current battery box.

Cons of A 6-volt Lead-Acid Battery

  • A 6-volt battery is more expensive than a 12-volt battery: A 12-volt battery has a cheaper price, provided that you are willing to accept the limitations that come with it.

How To Convert A 36 Volt System Golf Cart From Six 6-Volt Batteries To Three 12-Volt Batteries 

Switching over to a three 12 volt battery configuration is relatively easily done with the right steps and if everything in the backend is done right then you should have few issues. You’ll want to measure your original battery box first and see whether or not you’re going to be able to fit three new batteries in there or if you’ll have to get a new battery box altogether. If the measurements are coming out properly so that everything will fit, here are the steps you’ll need:

Step 1: Disconnect the old 12-volt set from the battery bank by removing the positive terminal first then the negative lead. Keep any wires that you would need for reconnecting the new system later.

Step 2: Once the batteries have been removed, place them in their respective battery boxes. Note the arrangement of each battery (positive end towards negative end) and ensure that they are secure and tight up against each other. Make sure you line up anything else that may potentially could come in your way such as jumper cables or tools. You will then want to hook one end of the red cable to the positive terminal .

Step 3: Connect the male end of the jumper cables to each corresponding battery, starting with the negative side of Batteries 1 and 3 and then moving to positive side of Batteries 2 and 1.

Step 4: Connect the positive lead from the golf cart to the positive post on battery one, then place the negative lead onto a terminal on battery three.

Step 5: When using a 12-volt step-down converter with batteries 1 and 2, it is possible that your electrical accessories and solenoids will run on just 18 volts. Consider this when deciding which voltage is best to use with the components you want to power.

How do I convert 12V battery to 6V?

It’s possible to step a circuit down by incorporating four 10k resistors into your setup. Cut two lengths of wire, and strip each wire of 1/2 inch of insulation approximately ¼ inch from the end to either side. Attach one end of the first wire to the positive terminal on the power supply, and attach one end of the last wire you cut to the negative terminal on the power supply. Connect a resistor between each pair, with two ends of wires being on opposite sides (either right across from or diagonally) both being attached as such a way that looping around is impossible.

Why do golf carts use 6-volt batteries instead of 12 volt?

When it comes to 6-volt batteries, the voltage of a single battery isn’t as much of an issue as it is when you compare those that have higher voltages like the 8 and 12-volt batteries. US Battery conducted a study on these types of 6-volt deep cycle batteries that showed their longer runtime helped them last for 154 minutes at 56 amps versus the shorter runtimes at similar levels done with its competitor’s products. They found 6-volt typically offers slightly better range at this rate than its other competitors, thus making them a more efficient battery in terms of how long they can be used per charge.


Saving money on your cart’s 36-volt battery maintenance might seem like an important factor in the short term, but make certain that you stay aware of this so as not to create a bigger problem for yourself later down the road. Always plan ahead and consider the consequences – even if it is for a simple situation such as replacing an item you’d normally think twice about having repaired.

Hi! I’m Alex PT. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Sports Management from Indiana University and have over seven years of valuable experience working in a Sports Event Management Company. I founded SportBlurb with the passion for bringing you the latest, most insightful, and engaging content in the world of sports. So, whether you’re a die-hard fan or want to stay informed, I’ve got you covered!

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